In ancient Egypt, the mighty Teth-Adam, a slave-turned-worshiped deity, was granted incredible powers by the gods. However, soon after, he was betrayed and imprisoned for eternity. The film "Black Adam" picks up where it leaves off, with Teth-Adam, now known as Black Adam, finally breaking free from his millennia-long slumber. As he emerges into a modern world, Black Adam is met with a mix of awe and trepidation. His powers, which were meant to be used for the greater good, have been twisted by centuries of solitude and isolation. Driven by a desire to understand this new world and reclaim his place among its inhabitants, Black Adam sets out on a journey that will test his abilities and challenge his sense of morality. Meanwhile, humanity is faced with an existential threat in the form of a powerful alien invasion force known as the Intergalactic Society of Magic. This ancient civilization, led by the ruthless and cunning sorceress, Isis, seeks to dominate the Earth and exploit its natural resources for their own gain. As Black Adam navigates this complex world, he finds himself at odds with the Justice Society of America (JSA), a group of legendary heroes who are determined to stop him from using his powers to wreak havoc on humanity. Led by Hawkman, Doctor Fate, Atom Smasher, and Cyclone, the JSA sees Black Adam as an unpredictable force that could destabilize the entire planet. As tensions escalate, Black Adam must confront his own demons and decide whether to use his abilities for good or ill. Will he join forces with the Justice Society to defend the Earth against the alien threat, or will he forge his own path and risk destroying everything in his wake? The fate of humanity hangs in the balance as Black Adam faces off against the Intergalactic Society of Magic in a battle that will determine the course of history.